Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past.

Friday, February 25, 2011

crunchy heart!

I was eating sour and cream chips two nights ago,...then I found this! hehehe! not every time you eat chips you'll find a heart shaped chip right?? so I immediately got my camera and took pictures of this cute chip! so yah! just thought to share with ya wutz up in my world lately, lol!

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Sunday, February 20, 2011


It has been a year since William's dad passed away, Seems like it was just yesteday when I was at his bed side crying beside William's mom. I know that where ever he is now he's at peace, and he deserves that. He had a very interesting life, with up's and downs, bad times and good times, he made some mistakes but he tried his best to make up with those people he hurt, he's truly a very remarkable man.

Because of him William is the person that he is today... ^_^

So, to PAPA G.. THANK YOU! for touching our lives.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

prince palaka (poem that I just wrote)

Pano mo malalaman kung sya napala si prince palaka?
pano kung pinipilit mo na sya na pero hindi naman pala?
kakaloka dava??
Pano kung ang feeling mo si prince palaka pala yung lalake na di mo ma reach?
as in di talaga kasi he doesn't even know that you exist?
kaloka dava?
prince palaka prince palaka kakaloka ka.
pano mapaparating ng isang dalaginding na syay may pag tingin?
kaka loka! kung bakit naman kasi nanuod nuod pa ng tfc na yan,
nabuhay tuloy ang feelings na 9 years ago pa nilibing!
prince palaka prince palaka...
ang pogi mong palaka.

wow! this is my newest poem! hahahah!
sorry if its in tagalog, I have to write it in tagalog because it will have more feelings and it will rhyme more!

so anyways! prince palaka means prince!
you know what they said right...sometimes u have to kiss a frog because it might turn into a prince? but how many frogs will you kiss?will take a risk to find your prince?


love love love!

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy ♥ Day!

can't believe that its that time of the year again! good for hallmarks and for all the flower shops because I'm pretty sure that they just made hundreds of dollars! yah yah! I know that I sound a little bitter.... but I am not. I just believe that every day should be valentines day or even christmas day, we should let the people we love feels EVERY SINGLE DAY how much they mean to us. Surprises here and there are awesome too.

Well...I'm just saying! :)

BUT fine!since its valentines day...what did you guys do today? what did u get?

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Thursday, February 10, 2011


I miss miss writing short novels! so I decided that I am going to do it again :) I started writing stories when I was 10, I love to write poems and I love to compose songs... probably because I have no balls to be an actress (I would love to be a director though! I can be a control being a director would be awesome!) and I am not a good singer,in fact I suck at singing! lol so since I cannot sing I just write everything down and let others sing them for me. I am so inspired to write a novel again...I don't really know why but I have a lot of ideas for my "next novel" OBVIOUSLY I am not going to publish my novel, Because I have no guts to do it,and I don't want the pressure and the stress that can come out of it when I cannot find a publishing company to help me market my book. And beside I just write for fun, and its kinda like my stress reliever! Not to many people knows about my passion in writing, and I am pretty sure that most of them will be surprise if they find out about it because I look like I don't take things seriously. Blah blah blah! lol! Anyways!... I'll let you know guys more about it laterrr! adios for now! :)

and oh! I also love to rap! I like to think that I am a good rapper! o_O

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

more sapatos!

Here are the shoes that I bought last week, I haven't got the purse yet.

NOT bad right?lol!

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

shoes + purse = happy me?

I am not proud about this but I cannot hold myself from buying more shoes and purse! I have alot of shoes and purses already..and believe me, I HAVEN'T use the MAJORITY of it... I REALLY TRIED NOT TO GO ONLINE TO "WINDOW SHOP" for WEEKS! but I did the other night and last night, and it was a BIG mistake because I COULDN'T SLEEP for 2 nights because my crazy brain was keep telling me "YOU HAVE TO BUY IT..YOU HAVE TO BUY IT" ayayayay! I feel happy that I bought these shoes and purse...but BIG part of me is really really guilty... this shopaholic syndrome has to stop!

Here are the stuffs that I bought... :) :(

I'm gonna try to hold my self again from buying stuffs that I do not really need.

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