Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

shoes + purse = happy me?

I am not proud about this but I cannot hold myself from buying more shoes and purse! I have alot of shoes and purses already..and believe me, I HAVEN'T use the MAJORITY of it... I REALLY TRIED NOT TO GO ONLINE TO "WINDOW SHOP" for WEEKS! but I did the other night and last night, and it was a BIG mistake because I COULDN'T SLEEP for 2 nights because my crazy brain was keep telling me "YOU HAVE TO BUY IT..YOU HAVE TO BUY IT" ayayayay! I feel happy that I bought these shoes and purse...but BIG part of me is really really guilty... this shopaholic syndrome has to stop!

Here are the stuffs that I bought... :) :(

I'm gonna try to hold my self again from buying stuffs that I do not really need.

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1 comment:

  1. ooh! the first set of shoes and the white purse are soo cute!
