Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


We are all looking for true love, for Mr. and Ms. Right.... but what if you already found it? In fact you don't only have the "true love" you are looking for but also the unconditional love that is so hard to find... I fact...I KNOW that I have found both of those kind of love... I found it from my family...from my parents...and most of all from my grand parents who raised me when my parents was away.

My grand parents ( I call them nanay and tatay..) was the one who thought me everything that I know right now, they were the one who saw my first step, they heard the first word that came out of my mouth, they thought me to believe in God, to respect and love others and most of all to dream. I love them with all my heart and soul. But I am not going to lie, I did some things that made them cry, and worst I hurt them because of those awful things that I did and said... I wish that I didn't hurt them,but its all said and done...and beside I didn't regret anything that I did because I have learned alot from it, I just wish that I didn't hurt anybody that I love while I was in the process of learning about life.

I hurt them a lot, but they were the one who helped me get back on my feet when I realized that I fell down on my knees. I remember my Grand Parents being so proud of me every time I accomplished something, they always encourage me to do good things in life. I wish I could put everything into words everything that I am feeling right now towards my Grand Parents, because God knows how grateful I am that they are my Grand Parents.

Now that I am so far away from them, I realized even more how lucky I am for having them as my grand parents, I even more realized that I love them alot, more than life itself...and it hurts me to also realize that I couldn't do anything to make their life easier back in the Philippines... my grand pa is almost 67 years old, he's sick but he is still working for the family... so as my grand ma, she's 64 but she's still working as well... I want to give them the BEST LIFE...but I can't because even I myself is struggling in every days life here in Canada. I always day dream that one day I will spoil them with all the good things in the world, that one day I am going to pamper them...that one day they don't have to worry about what they are going to eat tomorrow and next week.......................... and it hurts so bad that all I can do is to day dream. Oh God I miss them soo much.

I try to give them what I can give, but I know that its not enough...but they are still grateful for it. I am not asking God to make us rich...all I am asking is to please bless my Grand Parents, my family to please give them much easier life than before, and most of all please make them healthy...

I haven't seen them for almost 6 years, all because I do not have enough money for the air fare... :( I'm begging to God all the time that please don't let me see them when its too late.. I cannot imagine life without my Grand Parents, I can't...I just can't..its not life without them in it.

But yah... I know that I found my true love...the unconditional love that they were saying... thanks to my grand parents because they showed me what true love and unconditional love really is...

Its just a bonus for me that I have William and Ippo... :)

anyways here's a video that I want to share with all of you... me spread this video about our parents...our grandparents...lets remind each other how lucky we are that we have them in our lives... and also lets remind each other to cherish every hour that we have with them. please :)

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