Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

project accomplished! :)

About 3 years ago I promised myself that I'm going to organize the closet that I share with my lovey dovey billiam! 3 years later that promise NEVER happen! until TODAY!!! yay! I finally did it! I finally organized our small closet!lol! we went to walmart to buy more storages for my clothes! I spent $130 for everythiiing! I bought two big containers, one additional wardrobe closet and one seven drawers tower! and still it wasn't enough  to fit all my clothes (and oh yeah...don't forget about my purses that I bought...and I still haven't use em...why?Idk why!)

I'm not bragging about how much clothes I have or how much purses or shoes I have(I swear!) what I'm trying to say is...why the hell do I feel that as if I don't have enough clothes when really I have alot? and the tags are still on them!

not only that.. I found it so freaking hard to let go of my old clothes! seriously...I still have some of my clothes from when I was 13 years old...they still fits me but I don't wear them...but still I can't throw them away... I always say to myself "HEY LITTLE ASIAN GIRL!DON'T GET RID OF THIS SHIRT YET! WHAT IF YOU FIND A PERFECT PANTS FOR IT ONE DAY?!DON'T GET RID OF THIS PANTS YET!WHAT IF YOU FIND A CUTE SHIRT FOR IT?!" fuuuudge! 10 years later they are still sitting there looking sooo sad!

anywaaays! maybe one day (i hope) ill have balls to let go of them! what matter is I finally did organized my closet! although I wish I have a bigger closet (or BIGGER room!) that way I didn't had to buy more storage just to make them look alil bit organize!

here are the pictures of my 3 years old project that I just finally accomplished TODAY!!!









and here are some pictures of my little man




I was bored last night that's why I decided to dressed up ippo... and believe me! he didn't enjoyed it all! I tried calling him after I wore all that accessories on him to show momma g how cute he looked... silly dog he didn't even move not even an inch coz he was to embarrassed to get out of our room looking like that! ayayayay!

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