Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

6th years anniversary

March 15th 2005 when I moved here in Canada...6 years later I'm STILL HERE! its crazeee that the years went by so fast, I was 17 when I came here.... I could barely talk in english, so you could just imagine how scared I was to go to highschool, not to mention that mostly everyone in school were TALLER AND BIGGER than me! lol! I didn't had a hard time to meet new friends, most of the kids at school were really nice...but I couldn't help to feel different from every body, I was so timid and shy, far from who I really am back home... when I was in the Philippines, I was so loud, care free, jolly, and not to brag but I was popular in school, because I am really friendly... I can make every body laugh without even trying, it is good and bad, good because I feel good when I make people laugh and smile, bad at the same time because sometimes people still laughs even when I'm damn serious.

So yeah it was totally a new world to me when I moved here in Canada and when I went to school here, It was so damn hard to express my self!and I hated it! I'm just glad that HIGH SCHOOL is! so yeah I made a alot of good friends , but sadly..I don't talk to most of them anymore... and that makes me really really sad and lonely in a way. ITS TRUE WHAT they said... its easier to keep a boyfriend/husband but its alot harder to find and to keep true friends that will accept you for what and who you are and to try to understand you and stand by you through good times and bad times. Not to mention that I am millions miles away from my family...most especially from my grand parents who took care of me when I was in the Philippines, I miss them more and more each day..I miss my family back home.:(

On the bright side... I have a job that helps me help my family in the Philippines, that helps me pay the bills, I have William and Ippo who trys to ignore my mood swings,lol. My dad and I are getting alot better now, I get to see my two little brothers when I can... I met alot of wonderful people, and I thank God for that...for all of these years, I lost some of those people but I just try to tell myself that everything happens for a reason, everything and everybody will come and go in our lives but it is up to us to keep the memories and to learn the lessons...


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