Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sunday yay!

It was my manager's wedding reception/ open house on Sunday, he invited me and my hubby to come over and the rest of our crazy crew in the bakery!LOL!

I had a good time, except from the fact that the mosquitoes ate us all alive! and also I was pretty sick that night (been sick for like a week now!) But other than that I had a really good time.

After seeing my manager house most especially his back yard, it motivated me to have a house ASAP! I can't wait to decorate the whole ENTIRE house (except the basement, because its gonna be my hubby's territory) I can't wait to have one of the rooms as my office MEANING its gonna be my closet for my shoes, clothes, make ups, purses and MOREE! yay! Gees! I'm getting so excited just thinking about all of these things!

Most of all I can't wait to have my own backyard, that way there's more space when we do BBQ with the family and friends and MOREEE space for our little Ippo to just to have fun!

I CAN'T WAIT to have a house!!!! grrrr! But I know that having a house is just right around the corner! WHY?? because my hubby and I are both going to work hard for it! ( BUT I CALLED IN SICK TODAY!)

Anyway before I go crazy thinking about getting a house here are some pictures from Sunday!

Enjoy chicas!



Hubby and Wifey


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