Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

our lil boy

Ever since I was a little kid back in the Philippines, I always knew that I will have a pug someday. Just like any other kids when they want something I always bugged my mom to buy me one.. I cried like there was no tomorrow, I even drew alot of  pictures of a little pug and I even watched Men in Black the movies a BUNCHED of times just to show them how much I was dying to have one... but none of it works!! grrrr!

They think that it was just a phase and I'll get over it. But I knew that it wasn't just a phase! so, I decided that someday when I grow up, when I have a job I will definitely buy one for myself! Oh wait!! I just remembered that even when I was 17 years old  I still bugged my dad to get me a pug for my 18th birthday. LOL. He didn't get me one

So! when my hubby and I moved in together I convinced him to get one for us (one year later he finally said I was so stoked and so happy! I felt like I was a little girl again, That's how excited I was to know that FINALLY I will have ( I meant WE...LOL) have a pug!

We were looking on the internet if there some people in our city who want their pug to be adopted, we thought that it was better to adopt a lil munchkin than to buy a lil puppy over the pet store. While I was searching for a pug, I came across with this little english bulldog's picture on the internet, he looked so sad and so cute, and the descriptions said that the owner was looking for a good couple to adopt his "baby" because he doesn't have time to take care of the poor puppy anymore. He sounded so nice, and he sounded like all he wanted for his puppy is to be spoiled rotten. I fell for it, I knew in my heart that I will get a pug but seeing the picture of this English bulldog melt my heart, I knew that I have to "save" him. So, I contacted the guy (through emails) Everything sounded so good, I thought that its actually going to happened.. Then he said that he's in Africa right now with the dog and the only way I can get the dog is if he send the poor munchkin to me here in Canada. He said all I have to do is to pay for his delivery and that's it. And YES I fell for it!!!

I fell in love with the dog.... and I really want the dog to be part of our family, so... I sent him the money ( I KNOW). The guy said that the dog is on its way and I can picked him up the next day. Then I got another email saying that the dog needs an insurance blah blah blah and the company who will deliver the dog needs more money for the insurance.. or else the dog will be stuck somewhere if I don't give them more money ( I already paid $200 for the delivery, they wanted $500 more for the insurance)

Maybe I was stupid that I fell for it right in the very beginning but I wasn't that SUPER STUPID! After that email I finally realized that it was a scam. It broke my heart to know that people will do that to other people just to get money of f them, Grrrrr! But I knew that I let it happened so it was my fault too... But I just wanted to help the "dog" and was really vulnerable for the fact that all I want is to have a dog!.

I knew that after all that I should be scared to try to look for a dog, but it didn't. My heart was settled that my boyfriend and I are going to have a dog and no one can ever stop that not even until the fat lady sings!

I posted an add on the internet saying that I was looking for a male pug, it doesn't matter how old it is and if its  neutered or not.. After  a few months later, I finally got a respond from this lady who owns a farm that has a lot of horses. She showed me PICTURES of the pug that they named Tigger. She told me alot of things about Tigger, she said that he thinks that he's a big dog and he loves to play with the horses..and even though they didn't want to give him away they knew that they had to before something bad happens to him.

I was very careful not to put my heart on it yet, after all I was a bit scared that it might be another scam again. So, Until I see the dog right in front of me I'll try not to fall in love with his two big round eyes yet.

A week later, It was finally the day to see Tigger and to pick him up, I was so nervous and excited to see him!

Now it's your turn to meet him! :)

Ippo Luise

He's is the sweetest and cutest pug everr! He doesn't sleep without any pillow, he likes car rides, he's very friendly and he thinks that he's a kid. He knows how to suck up to people and how to play upset. Hubby and I fell in love with him the moment we saw in him in real life.LOL.

Willyum changed Tigger's name to Ippo....why? because our little boy thinks that he's a big boy when he's really not. We got his name from a Japanese cartoon show that hubby and I both love, the main character's name is Ippo, He's a little teenager kid who does boxing and no matter how short he is he's still very tough and yet very funny and sweet. Just like our little Ippo.

I love Ippo like crazeeee! he's the best.


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