Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Bodies Exhibition

     Last Saturday, William, Mama G and I went to MTS CENTRE EXHIBITION HALL to see the exhibition of THE BODIES... It's an exhibition showing preserved human bodies from China, I was pretty overwhelmed when I saw all the preserved bodies.. I had mixed emotions after seeing the exhibition, YES it was awesome to see how our anatomy looks like INSIDE and OUT...literally! how MUCH nerves we have all over our body, how LONG our intestines are, how GROSS the infected lungs,kidneys, and hearts looks like because of CANCER! We also saw a lot of preserved fetus, which I think is one of the most saddest things I have ever seen in my whole life! and its also sad to know that those bodies were unclaimed.

Bodies Exhibition Pictures, Images and Photos

Bodies...The Exhibition Pictures, Images and Photos

plastination Pictures, Images and Photos

I rarely eat meat before, because I always get rashes and my skin gets really itchy after I eat meat, whether it was pork or beef..not sure if it was an allergy or it was just all in my mind LOL.  But after seeing the exhibit I decided to BE A CERTIFIED VEGETARIAN! the human flesh LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE meat! William Got grossed out after seeing the exhibit, not because he was being a puss puss but because he just had a pack of BACON for breakfast before we went there.L0L. I also decided to become a vegetarian not only because of the exhibit but also because I have a HUGE love for animals... How can I claim that I love them alot then I'll just eat them after right?

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