Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Yep Yep Yep! After 4 days of posting my daily blog pictures I gave up! I thought it was actually easy to post pictures about the highlight of your day EVERY SINGLE DAY...but surprisingly it isn't easy at all.. specially if you work so damn early (like at 4am!!) so yeah.... bye bye daily blog pictures! bwahahahah!

Anyways.... HOLY CANNOLI! could you believe it only 1 more day then 2010 is over! as in OVER... O.V.E.R OVER OVERRRRRRRRRRRR like adios 2010 ciao 2010 aloha 2010 paalam 2010 lumayas ka 2010! hahaha! oh my goodness!! it feels like I just celebrated new year's and now I have to celebrate it again! well... I can't complain! I actually think that I had a great year.. :) My dad and I finally surrender to each others stubbornness and now were super duper in love with each other again after a few years of drama (typical filipino family drama... I swear we could be in a soap William and I are still together and our relationship is getting stronger every day.. (even though I sometimes wants to knock him out every time I come home from work then there's dishes for me to wash!) My family's healthy back in the Philippines..

and before I conclude this post I want to share with you all that... HOPEFULLY next year I will have a business of my own... I always want to have my own cake shop! SOOO.... I will do all my best to make it happen next year! :) I am so excited! I love decorating cakes... it can get pretty stressful but its all worth it when you know you did your best..specially when the customers loves it.

Oh by the way! For my new year's resolutions...

My new year's resolution is not to have any new year's resolutions because I always break it!lol! BUT I promise to try my best to be a better person.. to be more patience and understanding... to be more hard working... to do all my best to reach my goals in life.. to help my love ones as much as I can... to finally stick to my diet! NO CARBS and NO SWEET! I'm a vegetarian...I love eating veggies and fruits so I don't have to promise to eat my veggies :)

How about you guys...what are your new year's resolutions? What do you want to change for the better about your selves? Lemme know!

And oh! don't forget to subscribe! :)

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

April Athena's contest :)

Sephora Holiday Giveaway

I never won it would be awesome if I win this giveaway... It will be a GREAT highlight of 2010 for me. :)

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

I don't have a title for this one

I just want to share some pictures taken today. We went to the cemetery to visit Williams dad's urn. The weather outside was so freaking cold and the road was awful! anyways... instead of going to the mall to get incredible discounts on clothes and stuffs we went there instead.. and that is fine with me. :) I ordered alot of make up's online anyways.





Sooo...what did you guys get from Christmas and Boxing day? :)

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!!

Merry HO HO everyone! I know that almost everybody are very excited and very happy today not only because they get to be with their love ones but ALSO because they get to open presents tonight!! and I KNOW!! finally NO MORE stressing out about g0ing shopping for foods and presents for today... how awesome is that right? :)

As for me and my hubby... we went to Burger King for our "Christmas Eve" celebration!LOL! He had some chicken sticks and I had veggie burger, we also went to the most happiest place on earth Walmart to buy some chips and dips and mix for our drinks  tonight while watching DVD.

And in case your wondering what I got for Christmas... I got a lot of scented candles (I love love scented candles) I got a bottle of Smirnoff vodka, eye shadows, scrunchies, yoga pants, and tights from my friends. I got MONEY from William and a BABY ALIVE DOLL... yes.. a BABY ALIVE CHANGING TIME DOLL! its freaking awesome! I love it! It has real diapers, real baby foods, milk bottle, spoon and bowl,it cries...giggles..burp...pee and poop! hahaha! its hilarious! I named it Liam Miyuki.. I know im such a kid! but what evz!hahaha..its all for fun anywayz! I got him a Play Station 3 the latest Generation..LOL.

Remember my chica babes its not the price that matters...its the thought that counts....for MOST PEOPLE :) and I'm one of those people! (maybe?lol jk.)

anyways here's some cute little goodies that I gave my friends today...

and here is Ippo with Miyuki.LOL. he loves her already.

and here's Miyuki.... bahahahaha... dont hate.

Again, Merry Christmas! enjooooy everything tonight. xoxo

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Today is my hubby and I's 4th year anniversary! wow! where did the year go? seems like it was just yesterday when we met, when we first talk and when we fell in love with each other! But through the years our relationship became stronger, we argue almost everyday but our love grows each time we argue and each time we want to kill each other! hahaha! jk! BUT seriously.... I cannot wait to have another 4 years with him.. OH WAIT!! make it another 4 years TIMES 50:) and hopefully...during those years he wont fart as much!!! hahahaha! I love u so much Willyuuuum!

Here's the cake that I made for him at work! it's a half white cake and half chocolate cake with custard feeling, white buttercream icing, choco truffle and choco curls on top! :)





ciao everyone! xoxox

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 4 (blogpicture)

Day 4


Special Rolls and Crunchy Tuna Rolls from Sushi Park both for $11.49 with tax

K. nighty night world! time for me to sleep.. I have to work at 4am tomorrow!

xoxo :)

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 3 (blogpicture)

Day 3

                                       Ippo chillin with my headband on his lil cutey head.

and here's the palette that I bought today! it has 77 eye shadows and 77 lip gloss..not bad at all! I was going to buy it yesterday but I didn't coz I didn't want to spend more money, But all I thought about all night and all morning today was how I wish I bought I did before I go crazy thinking about it.LOL.




Girl! I'm telling you its sooo hard to save money right now especially if there's alot of good deals out there because of the holiday season!ayayayay!

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 2 (blogpicture) and Purchased of the day

Day 2 photoblog

  Here's my lil man looking so cute tonight (like always!)


and here's the lovely shoes that I didn't regret buying!!!





advance merry ho ho to me! :)

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Day 1 (blogpicture)


                                           Christmas Presents that I bought for mi chicas! :)

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

sayonara 2010

Oh my goodness!! Its only 10 days before xmaz! I cannot believe it that the year went by sooo freaking fast! I guess that's how it is when you don't want the year to be will go really really really as in really fast! anyways, I wish to celebrate xmaz in the Philippines! holidays over there are MORE FUN and AWESOME! The Christmas traditions are very exciting and memorable, the foods are soo yummy... you will really have a blast whether you get a lot of presents or not, whether there's alot of foods on the table or not... I think what make it so memorable and fun is because you celebrate it with the whole family...oh my! I really wish to be there right now :( but oh well, hubby and I are going to have fun for sure even if it is just me and him this coming Christmas. We decided that were just going to eat out on Christmas eve, probably at the Keg or Olive Garden.. we would love to celebrate xmas even in ThunderBay with my family but we couldn't because of my schedule at work. so yah....boooooo for that!bwahahahah! and oh yeah, after 4 years of being together we finally bought a Christmas tree...its not the best looking Christmas tree out there but it will do for now,its silver and very skinny! I guess I like it.....but it aint my anyways, I'll let u know what presents I will get this Christmas, I've been bugging hubby to get me a Steve Madden purse ( a red BFLOWER purse) so he better get that for me!!!beheheheh!!

here's our very awesome and the bestest christmas tree!!lol


and here are the Christmas traditions in the Philippines that I really really miss!!

Parol (Christmas Lanterns)

Bibingka (traditional dessert made with rice flour, sugar, clarified butter and coconut milk. baked in layers and topped with butter and sugar)
bibingka Pictures, Images and Photos

Puto Bumbong(a purple-coloured Filipino dessert made of sweet rice cooked in hollow bamboo tubes placed on a special steamer-cooker. When cooked, they are spread with margarine and sprinkled with sugar and grated coconut)

 Queso De Bola

Leche flan (Custard Flan)

Belen (Nativity Scenes)

Misa de gallo

soooooo homesick right noooooow!!!

BTW! ima start my 100 days Photo Blog really soon....maybe tomorrow???

kkkk.....ciao chicaz...

Have a Merry Merry Ho ho Christmas! enjoy the foods, the family and the gifts! :)

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