Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Yep Yep Yep! After 4 days of posting my daily blog pictures I gave up! I thought it was actually easy to post pictures about the highlight of your day EVERY SINGLE DAY...but surprisingly it isn't easy at all.. specially if you work so damn early (like at 4am!!) so yeah.... bye bye daily blog pictures! bwahahahah!

Anyways.... HOLY CANNOLI! could you believe it only 1 more day then 2010 is over! as in OVER... O.V.E.R OVER OVERRRRRRRRRRRR like adios 2010 ciao 2010 aloha 2010 paalam 2010 lumayas ka 2010! hahaha! oh my goodness!! it feels like I just celebrated new year's and now I have to celebrate it again! well... I can't complain! I actually think that I had a great year.. :) My dad and I finally surrender to each others stubbornness and now were super duper in love with each other again after a few years of drama (typical filipino family drama... I swear we could be in a soap William and I are still together and our relationship is getting stronger every day.. (even though I sometimes wants to knock him out every time I come home from work then there's dishes for me to wash!) My family's healthy back in the Philippines..

and before I conclude this post I want to share with you all that... HOPEFULLY next year I will have a business of my own... I always want to have my own cake shop! SOOO.... I will do all my best to make it happen next year! :) I am so excited! I love decorating cakes... it can get pretty stressful but its all worth it when you know you did your best..specially when the customers loves it.

Oh by the way! For my new year's resolutions...

My new year's resolution is not to have any new year's resolutions because I always break it!lol! BUT I promise to try my best to be a better person.. to be more patience and understanding... to be more hard working... to do all my best to reach my goals in life.. to help my love ones as much as I can... to finally stick to my diet! NO CARBS and NO SWEET! I'm a vegetarian...I love eating veggies and fruits so I don't have to promise to eat my veggies :)

How about you guys...what are your new year's resolutions? What do you want to change for the better about your selves? Lemme know!

And oh! don't forget to subscribe! :)

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