Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!!

Merry HO HO everyone! I know that almost everybody are very excited and very happy today not only because they get to be with their love ones but ALSO because they get to open presents tonight!! and I KNOW!! finally NO MORE stressing out about g0ing shopping for foods and presents for today... how awesome is that right? :)

As for me and my hubby... we went to Burger King for our "Christmas Eve" celebration!LOL! He had some chicken sticks and I had veggie burger, we also went to the most happiest place on earth Walmart to buy some chips and dips and mix for our drinks  tonight while watching DVD.

And in case your wondering what I got for Christmas... I got a lot of scented candles (I love love scented candles) I got a bottle of Smirnoff vodka, eye shadows, scrunchies, yoga pants, and tights from my friends. I got MONEY from William and a BABY ALIVE DOLL... yes.. a BABY ALIVE CHANGING TIME DOLL! its freaking awesome! I love it! It has real diapers, real baby foods, milk bottle, spoon and bowl,it cries...giggles..burp...pee and poop! hahaha! its hilarious! I named it Liam Miyuki.. I know im such a kid! but what evz!hahaha..its all for fun anywayz! I got him a Play Station 3 the latest Generation..LOL.

Remember my chica babes its not the price that matters...its the thought that counts....for MOST PEOPLE :) and I'm one of those people! (maybe?lol jk.)

anyways here's some cute little goodies that I gave my friends today...

and here is Ippo with Miyuki.LOL. he loves her already.

and here's Miyuki.... bahahahaha... dont hate.

Again, Merry Christmas! enjooooy everything tonight. xoxo

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