Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past.

Friday, April 1, 2011


WOW! I feel like that the year 2011 is goin by sooo freaking fast! its already APRIL! whew! anyways... I HAD a pretty memorable march this year! after 10 years I finally found my long lost cousin... I was scared that he might not recognize me but he did! he was so happy that I found him, and not to long ago he finally reunited with my family back home! that was the highlight of my year.... I'm so happy, so thankful to God and so greatful that we finally reunited with him..although I haven't seen him and hug him in person yet, but thats fine... I WILL give my cousin and BIG hug when i come home this year :)

My dad, my 2 little brothers, cousin, uncle and my grand pa also celebrated their bdays this past month. one of the reason why i love march because most of my love ones were born on a month of march! Also im not quite sure but I think its been 10 years or 11 years since my family broken up! but im not bitter or sad at all! :) it was actually a blessing in disguised because my parents gave me wonderful little siblings... my dad gave me 2 wonderful little brothers and my mom gaved me 1 wonderful sister.. so who am i to hate? I love my siblings with all my life...actually they are my life. They are one of the reasons why I wanna keep goin in life no matter how tough life is. I LOVE MY FAMILY ALOOOOOT!
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

6th years anniversary

March 15th 2005 when I moved here in Canada...6 years later I'm STILL HERE! its crazeee that the years went by so fast, I was 17 when I came here.... I could barely talk in english, so you could just imagine how scared I was to go to highschool, not to mention that mostly everyone in school were TALLER AND BIGGER than me! lol! I didn't had a hard time to meet new friends, most of the kids at school were really nice...but I couldn't help to feel different from every body, I was so timid and shy, far from who I really am back home... when I was in the Philippines, I was so loud, care free, jolly, and not to brag but I was popular in school, because I am really friendly... I can make every body laugh without even trying, it is good and bad, good because I feel good when I make people laugh and smile, bad at the same time because sometimes people still laughs even when I'm damn serious.

So yeah it was totally a new world to me when I moved here in Canada and when I went to school here, It was so damn hard to express my self!and I hated it! I'm just glad that HIGH SCHOOL is! so yeah I made a alot of good friends , but sadly..I don't talk to most of them anymore... and that makes me really really sad and lonely in a way. ITS TRUE WHAT they said... its easier to keep a boyfriend/husband but its alot harder to find and to keep true friends that will accept you for what and who you are and to try to understand you and stand by you through good times and bad times. Not to mention that I am millions miles away from my family...most especially from my grand parents who took care of me when I was in the Philippines, I miss them more and more each day..I miss my family back home.:(

On the bright side... I have a job that helps me help my family in the Philippines, that helps me pay the bills, I have William and Ippo who trys to ignore my mood swings,lol. My dad and I are getting alot better now, I get to see my two little brothers when I can... I met alot of wonderful people, and I thank God for that...for all of these years, I lost some of those people but I just try to tell myself that everything happens for a reason, everything and everybody will come and go in our lives but it is up to us to keep the memories and to learn the lessons...


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Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan Tsunami

William woke ME up this morning around 5 to let me know that there was a tsunami in Japan, >.< I immidiately tried to contact my cousin and my friend in Japan, We were both worried (still are) my cousin sent me a message on facebook..thank God that she and our other relatives are safe, but she's pretty scared because it never happened to them before...well not as bad! she told me that they are having problem getting phone signals and she's still not sure if their house is still standing or not anymore. But I am just very relief (and the rest of our family) that they are safe...BUT I haven't heard anything from my friend yet! I sent her a message on facebook and yahoo messenger but I still haven't heard anything from her....I'm praying that the reason behind it is the terrible phone signal...I am really worried about that girl! she is by her self!

God is once again testing our faith.... Let us all pray for those in danger and for those people that didn't survive the recent calamity and also for those people who are safe now (for animals too)

Let us all remember to let our love ones know how much they mean to us because
LIFE IS TRULY SHORT and FULL OF SURPRISES! God is GOOOD! he has great reasons behind all these...

Friday, February 25, 2011

crunchy heart!

I was eating sour and cream chips two nights ago,...then I found this! hehehe! not every time you eat chips you'll find a heart shaped chip right?? so I immediately got my camera and took pictures of this cute chip! so yah! just thought to share with ya wutz up in my world lately, lol!

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Sunday, February 20, 2011


It has been a year since William's dad passed away, Seems like it was just yesteday when I was at his bed side crying beside William's mom. I know that where ever he is now he's at peace, and he deserves that. He had a very interesting life, with up's and downs, bad times and good times, he made some mistakes but he tried his best to make up with those people he hurt, he's truly a very remarkable man.

Because of him William is the person that he is today... ^_^

So, to PAPA G.. THANK YOU! for touching our lives.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

prince palaka (poem that I just wrote)

Pano mo malalaman kung sya napala si prince palaka?
pano kung pinipilit mo na sya na pero hindi naman pala?
kakaloka dava??
Pano kung ang feeling mo si prince palaka pala yung lalake na di mo ma reach?
as in di talaga kasi he doesn't even know that you exist?
kaloka dava?
prince palaka prince palaka kakaloka ka.
pano mapaparating ng isang dalaginding na syay may pag tingin?
kaka loka! kung bakit naman kasi nanuod nuod pa ng tfc na yan,
nabuhay tuloy ang feelings na 9 years ago pa nilibing!
prince palaka prince palaka...
ang pogi mong palaka.

wow! this is my newest poem! hahahah!
sorry if its in tagalog, I have to write it in tagalog because it will have more feelings and it will rhyme more!

so anyways! prince palaka means prince!
you know what they said right...sometimes u have to kiss a frog because it might turn into a prince? but how many frogs will you kiss?will take a risk to find your prince?


love love love!

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy ♥ Day!

can't believe that its that time of the year again! good for hallmarks and for all the flower shops because I'm pretty sure that they just made hundreds of dollars! yah yah! I know that I sound a little bitter.... but I am not. I just believe that every day should be valentines day or even christmas day, we should let the people we love feels EVERY SINGLE DAY how much they mean to us. Surprises here and there are awesome too.

Well...I'm just saying! :)

BUT fine!since its valentines day...what did you guys do today? what did u get?

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Thursday, February 10, 2011


I miss miss writing short novels! so I decided that I am going to do it again :) I started writing stories when I was 10, I love to write poems and I love to compose songs... probably because I have no balls to be an actress (I would love to be a director though! I can be a control being a director would be awesome!) and I am not a good singer,in fact I suck at singing! lol so since I cannot sing I just write everything down and let others sing them for me. I am so inspired to write a novel again...I don't really know why but I have a lot of ideas for my "next novel" OBVIOUSLY I am not going to publish my novel, Because I have no guts to do it,and I don't want the pressure and the stress that can come out of it when I cannot find a publishing company to help me market my book. And beside I just write for fun, and its kinda like my stress reliever! Not to many people knows about my passion in writing, and I am pretty sure that most of them will be surprise if they find out about it because I look like I don't take things seriously. Blah blah blah! lol! Anyways!... I'll let you know guys more about it laterrr! adios for now! :)

and oh! I also love to rap! I like to think that I am a good rapper! o_O

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

more sapatos!

Here are the shoes that I bought last week, I haven't got the purse yet.

NOT bad right?lol!

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

shoes + purse = happy me?

I am not proud about this but I cannot hold myself from buying more shoes and purse! I have alot of shoes and purses already..and believe me, I HAVEN'T use the MAJORITY of it... I REALLY TRIED NOT TO GO ONLINE TO "WINDOW SHOP" for WEEKS! but I did the other night and last night, and it was a BIG mistake because I COULDN'T SLEEP for 2 nights because my crazy brain was keep telling me "YOU HAVE TO BUY IT..YOU HAVE TO BUY IT" ayayayay! I feel happy that I bought these shoes and purse...but BIG part of me is really really guilty... this shopaholic syndrome has to stop!

Here are the stuffs that I bought... :) :(

I'm gonna try to hold my self again from buying stuffs that I do not really need.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011


We are all looking for true love, for Mr. and Ms. Right.... but what if you already found it? In fact you don't only have the "true love" you are looking for but also the unconditional love that is so hard to find... I fact...I KNOW that I have found both of those kind of love... I found it from my family...from my parents...and most of all from my grand parents who raised me when my parents was away.

My grand parents ( I call them nanay and tatay..) was the one who thought me everything that I know right now, they were the one who saw my first step, they heard the first word that came out of my mouth, they thought me to believe in God, to respect and love others and most of all to dream. I love them with all my heart and soul. But I am not going to lie, I did some things that made them cry, and worst I hurt them because of those awful things that I did and said... I wish that I didn't hurt them,but its all said and done...and beside I didn't regret anything that I did because I have learned alot from it, I just wish that I didn't hurt anybody that I love while I was in the process of learning about life.

I hurt them a lot, but they were the one who helped me get back on my feet when I realized that I fell down on my knees. I remember my Grand Parents being so proud of me every time I accomplished something, they always encourage me to do good things in life. I wish I could put everything into words everything that I am feeling right now towards my Grand Parents, because God knows how grateful I am that they are my Grand Parents.

Now that I am so far away from them, I realized even more how lucky I am for having them as my grand parents, I even more realized that I love them alot, more than life itself...and it hurts me to also realize that I couldn't do anything to make their life easier back in the Philippines... my grand pa is almost 67 years old, he's sick but he is still working for the family... so as my grand ma, she's 64 but she's still working as well... I want to give them the BEST LIFE...but I can't because even I myself is struggling in every days life here in Canada. I always day dream that one day I will spoil them with all the good things in the world, that one day I am going to pamper them...that one day they don't have to worry about what they are going to eat tomorrow and next week.......................... and it hurts so bad that all I can do is to day dream. Oh God I miss them soo much.

I try to give them what I can give, but I know that its not enough...but they are still grateful for it. I am not asking God to make us rich...all I am asking is to please bless my Grand Parents, my family to please give them much easier life than before, and most of all please make them healthy...

I haven't seen them for almost 6 years, all because I do not have enough money for the air fare... :( I'm begging to God all the time that please don't let me see them when its too late.. I cannot imagine life without my Grand Parents, I can't...I just can't..its not life without them in it.

But yah... I know that I found my true love...the unconditional love that they were saying... thanks to my grand parents because they showed me what true love and unconditional love really is...

Its just a bonus for me that I have William and Ippo... :)

anyways here's a video that I want to share with all of you... me spread this video about our parents...our grandparents...lets remind each other how lucky we are that we have them in our lives... and also lets remind each other to cherish every hour that we have with them. please :)

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

bad flu or am I simply stressing??

I promised myself that I was going to eat right at the beginning of the year...but it didn't happened!why??I have no idea!! well....I kinda do...probably because I've been stressing alot lately.. I've been sick (literally) for quite awhile now too,but today is the worst day ever... I thought I was going to collapse at work because of my stupid migraine...this migraine has been bugging me alot lately! I have it EVERY SINGLE DAY! but today I had the worst migraine on the face of the planet! uggh! I still don't want to go to the doctor because I feel like I am just wasting my time to see them...they never find anything wrong about me...I hate that! because this migraine is killing meeee! I only don't have migraine I also feel so nauseated mostly in the morning! I also feel shortness of breath, disturb, and a bunch of crazy ol stuffs! believe me...I feel like winnie the pooh eating shit not honey these past few days/weeks! ugggh! ugggh! uggh! I can't say that I'm depress coz I am not.

But didn't eat alot, so I decided that today is the FIRST DAY of my "back to healthy eating habit" so hoping that I will stick to my "diet" this time...and hopefully I'll feel better soon!



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Monday, January 17, 2011


Favorite T.V shows

Family Guy
How can you not love this show? yes it maybe very offending at times to some people but hey lets just admit it that this show is very funny!

Peter (narrating his life): "I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. I looked with a grimace at the questionable meal Lois had placed in front of me. Of course I'd never tell her how disgusted I was with her cooking, but somehow I think she knew. Lois had always been full of energy and life, but lately I had begun to grow more aware of her aging. The bright, exuberant eyes that I had fallen in love with were now beginning to grow dull and listless with the long fatigue of a weary life. (Lois knocks Peter out.)
I woke several hours later in a daze."

Stewie is my favorite character... hahahaha! oh jizz! I meant geez :P

Stewie: It wasn't even about the eggs, really. Frankly, I like the yolks. I have no problem. There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me. And it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her not to be alive anymore. I sometimes wonder if all women are this difficult. And then I think to myself, 'My God wouldn't it be marvelous if i turned out to be a homosexual?'

Pretty Little Liars
Even though I know whose "A" is already (thanks to Google!) I still love the suspense that this show gives! Each characters are very unique and very lovable but....

Lucy Hale's character Aria Montgomery is my favorite! I can relate to her alot! most especially when it comes to aria's situation with her! and oh! I really love love love her sense of style too... her fashion style is very edgy.. she's a petite girl too so it feels like she's representing to petite girls like moiii.

Aria [to Spencer]: You're a freak and I love you.

Vampire Diaries

When I was a kid all of my friends wants to be a princess..a teacher..even a doctor...but all I wanted to be was to be a vampire! muahahah!(maybe thats why I love wearing eyeliner??) that's why I always enjoy watching vampire movies.. but for some reason I didn't like Twilight at all... I am not sure if its because I didn't want to be part of the twilight craze or Its because I see the whole series like Harry Potter series or Saw series.. neeeh!what ever! bottom line is I DO NOT LIKE twilight! but... I DO LOVE vampire diaries! I don't find it cheezy or over the top like twilight...I really like the simplicity of the shows..its kinda simple compare to twilight but its a very interesting show! William's not allowed to make any kind of noise when I am watching this show! :)

Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore is my favorite vampire!lol! he's a dick!he's a jerk! he likes to hurt offend and not to mention to kill and to drink people's blood..but he's secretly inlove with elena..he'll do everything just to protect her.. aaaaaaaah! you gotta watch this show for you to understand what the hell im trying to saaaay! :)

Damon: We have a problem, Stefan. And when I say problem, I mean global crisis.

I don't think i'll ever get sick of watching this matter what William say about this show! heheheh!

I like Rachel and Joey...but I like Phoebe the most... her punch lines are epic.. she's very funny without being so corny.. ha!

Phoebe: (On the phone) Hi, it's Phoebe. Someone needs to take my 9:00, because it's like, 9:15, and I'm not there.

The Secret Life of American Teenager
I can't exactly tell you why I really like this show..but what I can tell you is I CAN NOT WAIT to see the new season! its been months since the last season! :(

Oh man! It would be awesome if Amy and Ricky end up together in this show... not because the have a "kid" together but because they are RIGHT for each other! lol! im sooo cheezy..but what evz! I want them to end up together!!!! gggrrrh!!they better!!

Ricky:They tell lies to make life more interesting when the truth would probably be more interesting than the lie.

Amy: You had me at corndog

Paranormal State
I believe in God...Therefor I believe in spirits..ghosts..and other entities that we cannot see with our human eyes. I like this show because they not only investigates to see if there's spirit living with the people who calls them... they also try to help both the living and the dead to have peace and move on.

This show is my MOST favorite t.v show by far...actually I know that this is one of my all time favorite t.v show! why?! oh man! are you hiding under patrick the starfish's rock???this show is verrrrry verrry verrrry verrrrry V.E.R.Y funny!!! very! seriously!!!

Sheldon is the coolest nerd evaaaaaah! hahah!seriously he is! he's like a walking joke! behehe! I love him!

Sheldon: I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

project accomplished! :)

About 3 years ago I promised myself that I'm going to organize the closet that I share with my lovey dovey billiam! 3 years later that promise NEVER happen! until TODAY!!! yay! I finally did it! I finally organized our small closet!lol! we went to walmart to buy more storages for my clothes! I spent $130 for everythiiing! I bought two big containers, one additional wardrobe closet and one seven drawers tower! and still it wasn't enough  to fit all my clothes (and oh yeah...don't forget about my purses that I bought...and I still haven't use em...why?Idk why!)

I'm not bragging about how much clothes I have or how much purses or shoes I have(I swear!) what I'm trying to say is...why the hell do I feel that as if I don't have enough clothes when really I have alot? and the tags are still on them!

not only that.. I found it so freaking hard to let go of my old clothes! seriously...I still have some of my clothes from when I was 13 years old...they still fits me but I don't wear them...but still I can't throw them away... I always say to myself "HEY LITTLE ASIAN GIRL!DON'T GET RID OF THIS SHIRT YET! WHAT IF YOU FIND A PERFECT PANTS FOR IT ONE DAY?!DON'T GET RID OF THIS PANTS YET!WHAT IF YOU FIND A CUTE SHIRT FOR IT?!" fuuuudge! 10 years later they are still sitting there looking sooo sad!

anywaaays! maybe one day (i hope) ill have balls to let go of them! what matter is I finally did organized my closet! although I wish I have a bigger closet (or BIGGER room!) that way I didn't had to buy more storage just to make them look alil bit organize!

here are the pictures of my 3 years old project that I just finally accomplished TODAY!!!









and here are some pictures of my little man




I was bored last night that's why I decided to dressed up ippo... and believe me! he didn't enjoyed it all! I tried calling him after I wore all that accessories on him to show momma g how cute he looked... silly dog he didn't even move not even an inch coz he was to embarrassed to get out of our room looking like that! ayayayay!

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